The following is a list of common household human medications that can be used on pets. They can be useful if one is unable to reach the vet immediately. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended to seek the advice of your veteranarian to see if these medications and dosages are recommended for your particular pet(s) before first use.

Product Common Usage Canine Dosage Feline Dosage
Benadryl Treats allergies, itching, etc. 1/2 mg per lb. Every 8 hours. Max dosage 2mg per lb. 1/2 mg per lb. Every 8 hours. Max dosage 2mg per lb.
Buffered Aspirin Pain relief/anti-inflammatory 5 mg per lb. Every 12 hours. Not Recommended!
Digel Liquid Antacid and anti-gas Up to 4 tbs. Every 8 hours. Up to 2 tbs. Every 8 hours.
Dramamine Reduces motion (car) sickness Up to 50 mg. Every 8 hours. Up to 10 mg. Every 8 hours.
Epinephrine 1:1000 Treats reactions following medications, insect stings, and bites 1/10 to 1/2 ml. Intramuscular or subcutaneously. 1/10 to 2/10 ml. Intramuscular or subcutaneously.
Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) Used to induce vomiting after accidental ingestion of poisons 10 ml by mouth. Every 15 minutes. 10 ml by mouth. Every 15 minutes.
Imodium AD Relieves diarrhea 1 ml per lb. Every 8 hours. Not Recommended!
Kaopectate Relieves diarrhea 1 ml per lb. Every 2 hours. 1 ml per lb. Every 2 hours.
Mineral Oil Eliminates constipation Up to 4 tbs. Daily. Up to 2 tbs. Daily.
Pepto Bismol Diarrhoea, anti-vomiting, gas 1 tsp per 5 lbs. Every 6 hours. Not Recommended!